Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Salam to all my form 5 students...

I would like to post my sincere apology because I am unable to keep my promise when I did not post the hint to all of you at six o'clock just now...this is because I was unable to access my blog and I am pre-occupied with the health issue at our school today...However, I believed that whatever happened today is a blessing in disguised...I believe that my students are capable to answer the given questions as long as he/she understands the meaning of each context...

As the first paper is concern, just remember that Section A (1) it surely about short graphic responses and (2) was about the graphic organiser that explain in depth about the overall views...

As section B, just remember this if you are required to make a formal report use my structure but i f it informal...enough with title and title...tq...

1 comment:

  1. its ok sir..
    4 the true SPM,we hv no hint too..
    better we indipndnce right??
